About Freakish!
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My name is Vesper Angel Crow! I am 17 years old and I am an only child! I desided to make this site for everyone to enjoy but it turned into a nightmare for me! It turned out to be so much work and so much fun at the same time so I've desided to write only about what I like and care about such as my favorite things, Our Lady Peace, Monsters, and anything else I see fit for Freakish! Anyway enough about me you want to go see the site! Hey Sign the guest book while your here too!
Vesper A. Crow

Please Help me
If you see any spelling errors, broken links, or anything that seems out of place to you then could you please E-mail me at morbid_vesper@yahoo.com or even if you have a suggestion or something that you think we left out of freakish! Give me an E-mail thats the only way you can help me help you! Thanks!

Email me: Morbid_vesper@yahoo.com

Tina the Troubled Teen
tina the trobled teen!

Are you a freak?